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Westkust Sumatra: Padang tot Vlakkehoek



Navigation map of the west coast of Sumatra, including the cities of Padang and Bengkulu, and the Mentawai islands. Bathymetry (sea depth), lighthouses, shoals and other obstructions are marked, with hills and settlements to use as landmarks.

Noordkust Java: Westervaarwater van Soerabaja



This map of the Madura Strait between Java and Madura is designed to aid navigation: bathymetry (water depth), lighthouses, shoals and reefs, rocks and mud, anchor points, and landmark mountains are all marked. Text describes the tidal conditions.

Oostkust Sumatra: Aroe-Baai



Map of Ara Bay (east coast of Sumatra). Bathymetry (sea depth), tide data, reefs, shoals and other obstructions (clay, mud, shells, stones, sand) are marked. Underwater trenches are shown, with light buoys, and there is an elevation view of the bay.

Situatie plan van Batavia met desselfs stranden en ommelanden tot de buiten posten Angiol, Noortwijk, Rijswijk, de Kelling , Ankee en de Fluit



Plan of the city of Batavia (Jakarta) with its suburbs and surrounding areas. Artillery batteries are marked on the beaches, and there is a detailed legend identifying places on the map. This is a copy of an original 1797 map.

Situatieplan van Batavia desselfs stranden en ommelanden



Plan of the city of Batavia (Jakarta), its suburbs and surrounding areas, focussing on the river and canal system. This is a copy of an original c.1790 map. The pier has been pencilled in, as it was not built when the original map was produced.

Westkust Celebes: Vaarwaters benoorden Makasser: Blad I



Navigation map of the west coast of Celebes (Sulawesi), north of Makassar. Bathymetry (sea depth), lighthouses, shoals and other obstructions are marked, with trees and hills as landmarks, and elevations (side views of hills) to aid navigation.

Atlas van Nederlandsch Oost-Indië



Very detailed atlas of the entire Dutch East Indies, over 16 map sheets, with a cover and overview map. Includes topographic maps, inset maps of cities and islands, and maps featuring land and sea routes, languages, geology, colonial territory etc.

Oostkust Sumatra: Blad VII



Navigation map of the waters around the islands of Bengkalis, Pedang and Tebingtinggi, off the east coast of Sumatra. Bathymetry (sea depth), tide data, reefs, shoals and other obstructions (clay, mud, shells, sand) are marked.

Moluksche archipel: Baai van Amboina



A map to aid navigation in Ambon Bay, on the island of Ambon in the Maluku Islands: bathymetry (sea depth) and mountains are shown along the coasts, with inset maps of a coal mine pier and Fort Victoria. A second map updates the coal mine pier map.

Koninginne baai met Emma haven



Map of Koninginne Baai (Bayur Bay, west coast of Sumatra) used to navigate Emma Haven (now Port of Teluk Bayur). It features bathymetry (sea depth), reefs and shoals, as well as lighthouses, buoys and two elevations (side views) of coastal mountains.

Situatie kaart van een gedeelte der stad Batavia



Map of the coastline of the bay of Batavia (Jakarta) showing the extension of the port’s pier (in red, labelled CD), the sand and mud bank and bathymetry (sea depth) in the bay, and notes regarding changes in tide levels over the years.

Situatie-teekening van het Haven-kanaal



Plan of the pier at the port of Batavia (Jakarta). Lines indicate the changing position of the beach and the sandbank over the years, and numbers show the water depth (red numbers=measured in the year 1823, blue=1831 and black=1864).
