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Rough Sketch of 200 miles of the western portion of British New Guinea, including rivers


location_onPapua New Guinea

Map of British New Guinea with notes on the terrain (‘Low country’), vegetation (‘Mangrove, Nipa and Fan Palms’), crops (‘Small plantations Sugar cane & Taro’), coastal features (‘Coral and Sand flats) and people (‘Friendly tribe’, ‘Dariamo Tribe’).

Map of the Fly River, British New Guinea, as traversed by Sir William MacGregor and party


location_onPapua New Guinea

Three maps on one sheet of the Fly River in British New Guinea, from the mouth to where it meets the Palmer River. Bathymetry (water depth) and sandbanks are marked at the mouth and landmarks—hills, vegetation, villages—are noted along the length.

Gulf of Siam: Malay Peninsula - East Coast. Lakon Roads to Lem Tane



Produced by the British Admiralty’s Hydrographic Office, this map includes various navigational aids, such as maritime routes, bathymetry (sea depth), tide and current data, and elevations (side views of hills and mountains to use as landmarks).

Western part of the Java Sea : from Lucipara I. to Sunda Strait and Batavia



Designed to aid navigation around the western Java Sea, this map features bathymetry (sea depth), current and tide data, and is marked with shoals, reefs and other hazards. Written notes add details at specific locations (e.g. ‘heavy tide rips’).

Singapore harbours and roads with the adjacent channels



An early 19th century map of Singapore’s southern coast and islands, with bathymetry (sea depth), shoals and reefs, anchor points, and notes to aid navigation. The roads and main buildings of Singapore city are also shown.
