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Noordkust Java: Westervaarwater van Soerabaja



This map of the Madura Strait between Java and Madura is designed to aid navigation: bathymetry (water depth), lighthouses, shoals and reefs, rocks and mud, anchor points, and landmark mountains are all marked. Text describes the tidal conditions.

Westkust Celebes: Vaarwaters benoorden Makasser: Blad II



Navigation map of the west coast of Celebes (Sulawesi), north of Makassar. Bathymetry (sea depth), shoals and other obstructions are marked, with hills and settlements as landmarks, and elevations (side views of hills) to aid navigation.

Westkust Celebes: Vaarwaters benoorden Makasser: Blad I



Navigation map of the west coast of Celebes (Sulawesi), north of Makassar. Bathymetry (sea depth), lighthouses, shoals and other obstructions are marked, with trees and hills as landmarks, and elevations (side views of hills) to aid navigation.

Atlas van Nederlandsch Oost-Indië



Very detailed atlas of the entire Dutch East Indies, over 16 map sheets, with a cover and overview map. Includes topographic maps, inset maps of cities and islands, and maps featuring land and sea routes, languages, geology, colonial territory etc.

Vaarwaters en ankerplaatsen op de Zuidkust van Celebes



Eight navigation maps from around the south coast of Celebes (Sulawesi). Anchorages, roadsteads (bodies of water sheltered from tides/currents), bathymetry (sea depth), shoals and other obstructions are shown, with hills and settlements as landmarks.

Plan of Port Moresby and the road to the Lolokie River: New Giunea


location_onPapua New Guinea

This map focuses on the capital city of British New Guinea, Port Moresby, and the road heading north-east from the city to the Laloki River. Along the road, there are descriptions of the terrain (‘Open flat fairly grasses timbered with bastard Gum’).

Kaart van het eiland Bawean



Topographic map of the island of Bawean in the Java Sea, with terrain shown by contour lines, and mountains labelled with their heights. Villages, forests (heavy, light, teakwood) and crops (coconut, coffee, alang-alang, rice, bamboo) are marked.

Algemeene Kaart van Nederlandsch Oostindie


location_onEast Timor, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore

This detailed map of the Dutch East Indies in the mid-19th century is spread over eight sheets, plus a cover sheet showing the whole area. There are numerous inset maps of islands, bays, cities etc.

Algemeene kaart van Nederlandsch Oostindie


location_onEast Timor, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore

This map of the Dutch East Indies is spread over eight sheets, with a hand-drawn cover sheet showing the whole area. There are numerous inset maps of islands, bays, cities etc. Two of the inset maps have a replacement map pasted over them.

Der Hollaendisch-Ostindianischen Compagnie weltberühmte Haupt-Handels und Niederlags: Stadt Batavia



The legend and written notes on this plan of Batavia (Jakarta) provide much detailed information about the important port city in the early 18th century. It is also beautifully decorated with paintings of the city, local people, animals and ships.

Der Hollaendisch-Ostindianischen Compagnie weltberühmte Haupt-Handels und Niederlags: Stadt Batavia



The legend and written notes on this plan of Batavia (Jakarta) provide much detailed information about the important port city in the early 18th century. It is also beautifully decorated with paintings of the city, local people, animals and ships.
