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Kaart der residentie Zuider- en Ooster-afdeeling van Borneo



On this map, the residency of South and East Borneo is divided into departments (green borders) and provinces (yellow borders). There is an inset plan of the city of Banjarmasin, with rivers, buildings, residential areas, roads and crops marked.

Noordkust Java: Westervaarwater van Soerabaja



This map of the Madura Strait between Java and Madura is designed to aid navigation: bathymetry (water depth), lighthouses, shoals and reefs, rocks and mud, anchor points, and landmark mountains are all marked. Text describes the tidal conditions.

Situatie plan van Batavia met desselfs stranden en ommelanden tot de buiten posten Angiol, Noortwijk, Rijswijk, de Kelling , Ankee en de Fluit



Plan of the city of Batavia (Jakarta) with its suburbs and surrounding areas. Artillery batteries are marked on the beaches, and there is a detailed legend identifying places on the map. This is a copy of an original 1797 map.

Map of the Island of Singapore and its dependencies



Map of Singapore Island, divided into Districts, including the surrounding islands and straits. The city centre, roads and forests are marked. MacRitchie Reservoir is at the centre of the island, with coconut plantations along the east coast.

Kaart der Molukken


location_onIndonesia, East Timor

Map of the Moluccas (Maluku Islands) divided into the residencies of Ternate (orange borders) and Ambon (green borders). Many place names are in Dutch and Malay, and there is an inset map of the city of Ambon. Timor is marked as Portuguese territory.

Atlas van Nederlandsch Oost-Indië



Very detailed atlas of the entire Dutch East Indies, over 16 map sheets, with a cover and overview map. Includes topographic maps, inset maps of cities and islands, and maps featuring land and sea routes, languages, geology, colonial territory etc.

Vaarwaters en ankerplaatsen op de Zuidkust van Celebes



Eight navigation maps from around the south coast of Celebes (Sulawesi). Anchorages, roadsteads (bodies of water sheltered from tides/currents), bathymetry (sea depth), shoals and other obstructions are shown, with hills and settlements as landmarks.

Kaart van de residentie Banka



Map of Banka (Bangka) Island, east of Sumatra, divided into administrative districts. Rocks, shoals, buoys and anchor points are marked around the coast, with mountains, wetlands, roads and settlements on land. Inset map of Pulau Liat (Liat Island).

Kaart van het gebied bezet in Groot-Atjeh



A large-scale map of Aceh, north Sumatra, spread over four sheets with details such as routes (rivers, roads, railways), crops (rice, banana, pepper, sugarcane, bamboo), land features (mountains, forests, wetlands) and settlements (cities, villages).

Kaart van het Westelijk gedeelte bezet in Groot-Atjèh



This map of Groot-Atjèh (Aceh, northern Sumatra) focuses on the western part occupied during the Aceh War. It shows mountains, wetlands, forests, villages, routes and crops (rice, coconut, banana, sugar, sugarcane, bamboo, alang-alang, betel).

New sketch map of the protected Malay State of Perak



Map of state of Perak (Malay Peninsula) with a table of statistics: area, population, road/railway/river lengths, revenue, tin exports. Straits Settlements highlighted red. Someone has added handwritten travel times/distances by steamer/road/train.

Kaart der Bataklanden en van het eiland Nijas



A large-scale map of northern Sumatra, spread over 16 sheets, and divided into administrative regions. The island of Nijas (Nias) is marked with the locations of local tribes, and there is a list of other maps referenced in producing the map.
