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Map of the islands of Java, Sumatra, Borneo etc. The straits of Sunda, Malacca and Bangka, Gulf of Siam etc.
Carte des Isles de Java, Sumatra, Borneo &a. Les detroits de la Sunde, Malaca, et Banca, Golfe de Siam &a.
Carte des Isles de Java, Sumatra, Borneo &a. Les detroits de la Sunde, Malaca, et Banca, Golfe de Siam &a.
Bellin, Jacques Nicolas; Schley, Jacobus van der; 1773
About This Map
This map shows the islands of Java, Sumatra and Borneo, the straits of Sunda, Malacca and Bangka, and the Gulf of Siam. The title is given in both French and Dutch, as are some of the place names on the map.
Compass Rose
Longitude and Latitude
Regional Border
Library Catalogue
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Overlay View
View this historical map as an overlay on a contemporary map. Adjust your view using the georeference tool.