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Map of the Kingdom of Siam and its dependencies


location_onMyanmar, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam

The border of the Kingdom of Siam (Thailand) and its internal administrative districts are highlighted in yellow. Inset maps show the cities of Bangkok, Chiengmai (Chiang Mai) and Luang Pra Bang (Luang Prabang) in more detail.

Parts of Burma, Siam and the Shan States


location_onMyanmar, Thailand

This map charts the journey of Holt S. Hallett as he searched for a suitable route for a railway to transport British goods from Burma to Thailand and China. He wrote the book ‘A Thousand Miles on an Elephant in the Shan States’ about his expedition.

Der Indochinesischen Reiche: Birma, Siam, Kambodja und Annam


location_onCambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam

The route between Saigon and Rangoon taken by the German ethnologist Adolf Bastian is marked on this map of mainland Southeast Asia. There are two inset maps of cites: Mandalay, Amarapura and Ava in Burma; and Bangkok in Siam (including 14 temples).

L'Asie divisée en ses Empires et Royaumes


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Vietnam

This map shows the empires and kingdoms of Southeast Asia. Its decorative cartouche features drawings of plants, a camel, a vase, and the heads of children blowing to represent wind. An inset shows tall buildings, possibly Asian temples.

L'Asie divisée en ses Empires et Royaumes


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Vietnam

This map shows the empires and kingdoms of Southeast Asia. Its decorative cartouche features drawings of plants, a camel, a vase, and the heads of children blowing to represent wind. An inset shows tall buildings, possibly Asian temples.

Carte du cours de la Riviere de Meinam: depuis Judia jusqu'à son embouchure



Map of the Meinam (Chao Phraya) river from the city of Judia (Ayutthaya) to its mouth near Bangkok. Features temples, villages, a Bishop's Palace, a fort at Bangkok, and a ‘Champ des Eléphans [Elephant Field]’. The text is in French and Dutch.

Carte du cours de la Riviere de Meinam: depuis Judia jusqu'à son embouchure



Map of the Meinam (Chao Phraya) river from the city of Judia (Ayutthaya) to its mouth near Bangkok. Features temples, villages, a Bishop's Palace, a fort at Bangkok, and a ‘Champ des Eléphans [Elephant Field]’. The text is in French and Dutch.




Map of the rivers, roads and canals of Judia (city of Ayutthaya). The legend includes a palace, elephant enclosures, Archbishop’s church and palace. Outside are residential areas for people from Portugal, Japan, Pegu, Malaya, China and Cochinchina.

Kaart van de Rivier Meinam aan desselfs begin



Map of the Meinam (Chao Phraya) river from the city of Juthia (Ayutthaya) to its mouth near Bangkok. Features temples, villages, a Bishop's Palace, a fort at Bangkok, and an ‘Olifanten Veldt [Elephant Field]’.




Map of the rivers, roads and canals of Judia (city of Ayutthaya). The legend includes a palace, elephant enclosures, Archbishop’s church and palace. Outside are residential areas for people from Portugal, Japan, Pegu, Malaya, China and Cochinchina.

Kaart van de Rivier Meinam aan desselfs begin



Map of the Meinam (Chao Phraya) river from the city of Juthia (Ayutthaya) to its mouth near Bangkok. Features temples, villages, a Bishop's Palace, a fort at Bangkok, and an ‘Olifanten Veldt [Elephant Field]’.

Plan de la Ville de Siam: Capitale du Royaume de ce nom = Platte grond van Siam: Hoofd stad des Koningryks van dien' naam



Map of the Siamese city of Ayutthaya (‘Ville de Siam’), surrounded by the Menam River (Chao Phraya River). Roads and buildings are marked, including a number of royal palaces and pagodas, which are listed on the Dutch and French-language legend.
