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Map of part of Moratau (Fergusson Island) and Duau (Normanby Island): British New Guinea


location_onPapua New Guinea

Map of parts of Fergusson and Normanby islands (east coast of New Guinea). Bathymetry (sea depth), reefs and shoals are marked, along with landmarks (mountains, villages, trees). Territories of two indigenous tribes—the Subia and Manayaya—are shown.

Map of the Fly River, British New Guinea, as traversed by Sir William MacGregor and party


location_onPapua New Guinea

Three maps on one sheet of the Fly River in British New Guinea, from the mouth to where it meets the Palmer River. Bathymetry (water depth) and sandbanks are marked at the mouth and landmarks—hills, vegetation, villages—are noted along the length.


  • Filter from 1890 to 1891

Current results range from 1890 to 1891