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Voorontwerp eener spoorweghaven te Soerabaia



Spread over four sheets, this is a detailed hand-drawn plan for railway and tramway lines at the port of Soerabaia (Surabaya, East Java). It includes a railway station, commercial areas, housing, customs, warehouses, offices and government buildings.

Expeditiën naar Bali in 1846, -48, -49 en -68



Map of Bali, with five inset maps showing locations of Dutch military interventions on the island from 1846 to 1868. Troop positions and Balinese defences—barricades, moats—are marked, along with terrain, roads, palaces, temples and villages.

Kaart van het eiland Lombok



Topographic map of the island of Lombok in the Lesser Sunda Islands, with terrain shown by contour lines. Administrative districts, villages, routes, forests and crops (rice, coconut, coffee, banana, alang-alang, bamboo, Javanese pine) are marked.

Kaart van midden Lombok



Map of southern Lombok in the Lesser Sunda Islands, including the capital city Mataram, other settlements, routes and crops/plantations—rice, coconut, tea, coffee, banana, alang-alang, bamboo, arenga palm—with more mountainous regions to the north.

Kaart van het Eiland Bali



Bali under Dutch colonial rule is shown here divided into eight regencies (administrative divisions). Contour lines indicate elevation, with the heights of some mountains noted. Shoals, reefs and sandbanks are marked around the coast.

Atlas van Nederlandsch Oost-Indië



Very detailed atlas of the entire Dutch East Indies, over 16 map sheets, with a cover and overview map. Includes topographic maps, inset maps of cities and islands, and maps featuring land and sea routes, languages, geology, colonial territory etc.

Kaart van het gebied bezet in Groot-Atjeh, met de nederzettingen Lepoeng en Lehoeng



A map of Groot-Atjeh, Lepoeng and Lehoeng, at the northern tip of Sumatra, detailing routes (rivers, roads, railways), crops (rice, banana, sugarcane, betel, pepper, alang-alang, bamboo) and land features (forests, mountains, wetlands).

Topographische Kaart der residentie Batavia



The residency of Batavia, West Java, featuring plantations (coffee, tea, coconut, cinnamon, nutmeg, sugar); crops (rice, alang-alang, bamboo); fishing ponds; factories, warehouses, shops; routes, administrative borders; mountains, rivers, lakes.

Kaart van het eiland Lombok



A map of the island of Lombok divided into administrative districts. Rivers, roads and paths, forests and mountains, anchor points, and crops—rice, coconut, coffee, banana, alang-alang, bamboo, casuarina (Javanese pine)—are marked.

Kaart van Midden Lombok



Map of southern Lombok in the Lesser Sunda Islands, including the capital city Mataram, other settlements, routes and crops/plantations—rice, coconut, tea, coffee, banana, alang-alang, bamboo, arenga palm—with more mountainous regions to the north.

Map of Eastern New Guinea: illustrating a paper by Sir Wm. MacGregor


location_onIndonesia, Papua New Guinea

Map of eastern New Guinea, showing the routes—mainly along rivers—explored by Sir William MacGregor, the administrator of British New Guinea. The borders with the German colonial territory (Kaiser-Wilhelmsland) and Dutch New Guinea are also marked.

Overzichtskaart der residentie Wester-afdeeling van Borneo



Map of western Borneo, divided into administrative districts. Mountains and larger settlements are marked with their height. A flag indicates a military garrison. A list of the districts notes their type of local ruler (Sultan, Prince etc.).
