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Atlas van Nederlandsch Oost-Indië



Very detailed atlas of the entire Dutch East Indies, over 16 map sheets, with a cover and overview map. Includes topographic maps, inset maps of cities and islands, and maps featuring land and sea routes, languages, geology, colonial territory etc.

[Schetskaarten van versterkingen, loopgraven, stellingen, bentengs e.d. uit de Atjeh oorlog]



Multiple maps from the Aceh War, spread over 12 sheets. Includes maps of fortifications, trenches, battle formations; building plans, including the Aceh Sultan’s palace; topographic maps; and drawings of a ‘kotta mara’ (fortified raft).

Algemeene Kaart van Nederlandsch Oostindie


location_onEast Timor, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore

This detailed map of the Dutch East Indies in the mid-19th century is spread over eight sheets, plus a cover sheet showing the whole area. There are numerous inset maps of islands, bays, cities etc.

Algemeene kaart van Nederlandsch Oostindie


location_onEast Timor, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore

This map of the Dutch East Indies is spread over eight sheets, with a hand-drawn cover sheet showing the whole area. There are numerous inset maps of islands, bays, cities etc. Two of the inset maps have a replacement map pasted over them.

Molvccae insvlae celeberrimae



A map of a small island chain off the west coast of the island of Gilolo (modern Halmahera in the Maluku Islands of Indonesia). The military forts and ships were used by the European colonial powers during conflicts over the area’s spice trade.

Insulae Iavae pars Occidentalis



A map of Java with mountains, jungles, animals and crops. Bathymetry (sea depth) is marked, including on an inset map of Batavia harbour. Illustrations include Batavia Castle, and a lion—representing Belgium—receiving tribute and enslaving locals.

Judia: De Hoofd-Stad van Siam



Map of the Siamese city of Ayutthaya (‘Judia’) represented pictorially, surrounded by rivers and with a grid-like layout of roads, rivers and buildings. The city existed from 1350 until 1767 when it was destroyed by an invading Burmese force.

De Groote Siamse Rievier Me-Nam, ofte Moeder der Wateren: In haren loop met de in vallende Spruyten Verbeeld



Map of the Me-nam River (Chao Phraya River) with the city of Ayutthaya (labelled ‘Siri India’) in the centre. Its mouth at the Gulf of Thailand is to the left. Over 100 buildings, towns and other places are shown pictorially and listed in the legend.

De Groote Siamse Rievier Me-Nam, ofte Moeder der Wateren: In haren loop met de in vallende Spruyten Verbeeld



Map of the Me-nam River (Chao Phraya River) with the city of Ayutthaya (labelled ‘Siri India’) in the centre. Its mouth at the Gulf of Thailand is to the left. Over 100 buildings, towns and other places are shown pictorially and listed in the legend.

De Groote Siamse Rievier Me-Nam, ofte Moeder der Wateren: In haren loop met de in vallende Spruyten Verbeeld



Map of the Me-nam River (Chao Phraya River) with the city of Ayutthaya (labelled ‘Siri India’) in the centre. Its mouth at the Gulf of Thailand is to the left. Over 100 buildings, towns and other places are shown pictorially and listed in the legend.

Carte de l'ile de Java: partie occidentale, partie orientale, dressée tout nouvellement sur les mémoires les plus exacts



The mountains and forests of early 18th century Java are beautifully illustrated here by the Dutch cartographer Henry Abraham Chatelain (1648-1743). Details include cities, fields of crops, animals and people. An inset map shows the port of Batavia.

Judia: De Hoofd-Stad van Siam



Map of the Siamese city of Ayutthaya (‘Judia’) represented pictorially, surrounded by rivers and with a grid-like layout of roads, rivers and buildings. The city existed from 1350 until 1767 when it was destroyed by an invading Burmese force.
