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Midden-Sumatra: Reizen en onderzoekingen der Sumatra-expeditie... 1877-1879



An Atlas produced by an expedition in central Sumatra, including: maps of topography, geology, a number of rivers in the region; drawings of mountains, graphs of lengths of roads; family trees of the royal families of Djambi (Jambi) and Palembang.

Kaart van het Eiland Soembawa


location_onIndonesia, East Timor

Map of the island of Soembawa (Sumbawa) featuring an inset map of the 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora, and an elevation showing heights of mountains. (From ‘Algemeene Atlas van Nederlandsche Indie [General Atlas of the Dutch East Indies]’.)

Algemeene Atlas van Nederlandsche Indie



Atlas featuring over 60 detailed maps of the Dutch East Indies: 24 maps cover Java; the remainder cover the rest of the Dutch East Indies. There are three index maps. (All the maps in this atlas are also presented separately on this platform.)

Algemeene Kaart van Nederlandsch Oostindie


location_onEast Timor, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore

This detailed map of the Dutch East Indies in the mid-19th century is spread over eight sheets, plus a cover sheet showing the whole area. There are numerous inset maps of islands, bays, cities etc.

Karte von der Insel Sumatra


location_onMalaysia, Indonesia, Singapore

Based on surveys by Sir Stamford Raffles, this German map of Sumatra focuses on the navigation of coasts and straits, with bathymetry (sea depth), anchor points, shoals and reefs marked, including on inset maps of Singapore and the Bangka Strait.

A new chart of the straits of Sunda: From the manuscript of the Dutch East India Company



Navigation chart of the Sunda Strait, showing bathymetry (sea depth), shoals and reefs, landmarks, and a rhumbline network. Notes record good anchorages, sources of water and supplies etc. Inset map of the Zutphen Islands off the coast of Sumatra.

A general chart of the Atlantic and Indian oceans, with the situation & plan of Pulo Peenang or Price of Wales's Island / Plan of the Strait within Poolo Pinang


location_onMalaysia, East Timor, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Singapore

Two maps. One features most of the world, but with Borneo, Philippines and most of mainland Southeast Asia missing, though there is an inset map of Penang. The other is a navigation map of the strait at Penang, with bathymetry and elevations.

[Views of ports in Sumatra]



Six drawings of bays, including the Bay of Tiku (‘Rade de Ticou’) on the west coast of Sumatra, showing Tiku between the mountains Pagaman and Priaman. Two other drawings are marked ‘Poulo Clauis’ and are possibly bays on the coast of Aceh, Sumatra.

[Dutch Portolan chart of the Java Sea]



Hand-drawn portolan (nautical) chart, featuring a rhumbline network (the web of interconnected lines), bathymetry (sea depth), shoals and reefs, elevations (side views of landmark mountains), and names of coastal settlements, all to aid navigation.


  • Filter from 1700 to 1882

Current results range from 1700 to 1882