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Sketch map of the Malay States, Kelantan and Trengganu, to illustrate the Paper by Hugh Clifford



Map of the east coast of the Malay Peninsula, showing the route taken along the rivers and coast by Hugh Clifford, who was the British Resident at Pahang at the time. In addition to rivers, significant mountains and settlements are marked.

Route chart to India and the East


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Vietnam

Map of Asia featuring steamship routes—including around Southeast Asia—connecting ports such as Penang, Singapore, Batavia (Jakarta), Saigon, Bangkok, Rangun (Yangon), Manila, Macassar (Makassar) etc. There is also an inset map of Singapore.

Sketch map shewing the rivers and an outline of the coast... Gulf of Papua, British New Guinea


location_onPapua New Guinea

Map of part of the east coast of the Gulf of Papua, with river mouths, shoals, bathymetry (water depth). On land, notes on terrain (‘Hills 100 to 150 ft. high’), land (‘Good soil’), vegetation (‘Nipa and Sago Palms’) and people (‘Ipikoi Tribe’).

New sketch map of the protected Malay State of Perak



Map of state of Perak (Malay Peninsula) with a table of statistics: area, population, road/railway/river lengths, revenue, tin exports. Straits Settlements highlighted red. Someone has added handwritten travel times/distances by steamer/road/train.

Schutzgebiet der Neu-Guinea-Kompanie


location_onIndonesia, Papua New Guinea

Very detailed six-sheet map of eastern New Guinea, with numerous inset maps of bays and islands, and other inset maps covering ethnography, explorers of the region, marine routes across the Pacific Ocean, cannibalism, missionaries activity etc.

Kaart der Bataklanden en van het eiland Nijas



A large-scale map of northern Sumatra, spread over 16 sheets, and divided into administrative regions. The island of Nijas (Nias) is marked with the locations of local tribes, and there is a list of other maps referenced in producing the map.

Rough Sketch of 200 miles of the western portion of British New Guinea, including rivers


location_onPapua New Guinea

Map of British New Guinea with notes on the terrain (‘Low country’), vegetation (‘Mangrove, Nipa and Fan Palms’), crops (‘Small plantations Sugar cane & Taro’), coastal features (‘Coral and Sand flats) and people (‘Friendly tribe’, ‘Dariamo Tribe’).

Map of the Fly River, British New Guinea, as traversed by Sir William MacGregor and party


location_onPapua New Guinea

Three maps on one sheet of the Fly River in British New Guinea, from the mouth to where it meets the Palmer River. Bathymetry (water depth) and sandbanks are marked at the mouth and landmarks—hills, vegetation, villages—are noted along the length.

[Map of India]



This four-sheet map of India—featuring an inset map of Burma (Myanmar) —was created for use in Indian schools by Devendranath Dhar, a self-taught Calcutta-based mapmaker. He sent it to the Royal Asiatic Society for advice on publication.

Map of China, Tonquin and Cochin-China, with a chart extending from China to western Europe


location_onCambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam

Two maps, one of which features mainland Southeast Asia: Anam (Tonquin and Cochin China) in red, Lower Cochin China in green, Cambodia in yellow, and Siam in white. An inset map shows maritime routes between Europe and Asia.

Kaart van de Oosterhelft der Residentie Palembang



Map of the eastern half of the Dutch colonial administrative region (residency) of Palembang, Sumatra. A fort is marked in the town of Batoeradja. (From ‘Algemeene Atlas van Nederlandsche Indie [General Atlas of the Dutch East Indies]’.)

Kaart van Zuid West Celebes, bevattende de Gouvernements en Bondgenootschappelijke Landen van het Gouvernement Celebes



Map of the South Peninsula of Celebes (Sulawesi). The Spermonde Archipelago in the Makassar Strait is very detailed with islands, shoals, reefs and bathymetry. (From ‘Algemeene Atlas van Nederlandsche Indie [General Atlas of the Dutch East Indies]’.)


  • Filter from 1842 to 1896

Current results range from 1842 to 1896