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Eiland Sebangka



Map of the island of Sebangka (Lingga Regency, off the east coast of Sumatra), spread over four sheets. It features settlements, crops and plantations, rivers, mountains (with their heights) and wetlands. Only three of four sheets are available.

Map of the Island of Singapore and its dependencies



Map of Singapore Island, divided into Districts, including the surrounding islands and straits. The city centre, roads and forests are marked. MacRitchie Reservoir is at the centre of the island, with coconut plantations along the east coast.

Kaart der Molukken


location_onIndonesia, East Timor

Map of the Moluccas (Maluku Islands) divided into the residencies of Ternate (orange borders) and Ambon (green borders). Many place names are in Dutch and Malay, and there is an inset map of the city of Ambon. Timor is marked as Portuguese territory.

Kaart van het gebied bezet in Groot-Atjeh, met de nederzettingen Lepoeng en Lehoeng



A map of Groot-Atjeh, Lepoeng and Lehoeng, at the northern tip of Sumatra, detailing routes (rivers, roads, railways), crops (rice, banana, sugarcane, betel, pepper, alang-alang, bamboo) and land features (forests, mountains, wetlands).

Topographische Kaart der residentie Bantam



The residency of Bantam, West Java, shown over nine sheets. Coffee and tea plantations, fields of rice, alang-alang, bamboo and other crops are marked. Inset maps show distances by road and path, and the area divided into regencies and districts.

Topographische Kaart der residentie Batavia



The residency of Batavia, West Java, featuring plantations (coffee, tea, coconut, cinnamon, nutmeg, sugar); crops (rice, alang-alang, bamboo); fishing ponds; factories, warehouses, shops; routes, administrative borders; mountains, rivers, lakes.

Kaart van het eiland Lombok



A map of the island of Lombok divided into administrative districts. Rivers, roads and paths, forests and mountains, anchor points, and crops—rice, coconut, coffee, banana, alang-alang, bamboo, casuarina (Javanese pine)—are marked.

Kaiser Wilhelms-Land: Das Hinterland der Astrolabe-Bucht bis zum Ramu-Fluss


location_onPapua New Guinea

Map of part of the north coast of Kaiser-Wilhelmsland (German New Guinea) spread over two sheets. It focuses on rivers, noting width, depth, temperature, currents, vegetation etc.; and on mountains, showing heights and side views (elevations).

Topographische kaart der residentie Soerabaja



The residency of Soerabaja, East Java, featuring crops (coffee, coconut, sugarcane, rice, alang-alang, bamboo) and fishing ponds. Three inset maps: a triangulation map; a map of distances between settlements by types of transport; Bawean Island.

Topographische kaart der residentie Tegal



The lower half of this two-sheet topographic map of the residency of Tegal, Central Java is dominated by mountains, with the upper half split between forests and rice paddies, and the larger settlements near the coast.

Topographische Kaart der residentie Cheribon



Six-sheet topographic map of the residency of Cheribon (Cirebon, West Java), with an inset of a geodesic triangle grid. Administrative districts, crops—rice, alang-alang, sugarcane, sugar, coffee, tea—and indigo plant mills are shown.

Map to illustrate Mr. W.R.D. Beckett's route, Novr. 1891-April 1892


location_onVietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos

The route of W.R.D. Beckett between Bangkok and Saigon, partly along the Mekong River, is marked on this map, along with trade routes, police posts, mines (copper, iron, gold), and products (the spice cardamom, and resin benzoin (‘Gumbenjamin’)).


  • Filter from 1680 to 1900

Current results range from 1680 to 1900