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Kaart van Makassar en Omstreken



Map of the city of Makassar, Celebes (Suawesi), with the Dutch Fort Rotterdam, Koning’s Plein (King's Square) and a military hospital. The surrounding area has villages and crops: rice (paddy) fields, coconut, bamboo, nipa palm, banana.

Map to illustrate Mr. W.R.D. Beckett's route, Novr. 1891-April 1892


location_onVietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos

The route of W.R.D. Beckett between Bangkok and Saigon, partly along the Mekong River, is marked on this map, along with trade routes, police posts, mines (copper, iron, gold), and products (the spice cardamom, and resin benzoin (‘Gumbenjamin’)).

Sketch map shewing the rivers and an outline of the coast... Gulf of Papua, British New Guinea


location_onPapua New Guinea

Map of part of the east coast of the Gulf of Papua, with river mouths, shoals, bathymetry (water depth). On land, notes on terrain (‘Hills 100 to 150 ft. high’), land (‘Good soil’), vegetation (‘Nipa and Sago Palms’) and people (‘Ipikoi Tribe’).

Sketch map of the head of Collingwood Bay


location_onPapua New Guinea

Map of Collingwood Bay, north coast of New Guinea, with bearings to mountains, bathymetry (sea depth), shoals and reefs. On land, notes on terrain (‘sloping plains’, ‘Stiff clay soil’), vegetation (‘Casuarina trees’) and people (‘FRIENDLY TRIBE’).

Sketch map shewing the rivers and an outline of the coast... Gulf of Papua, British New Guinea


location_onPapua New Guinea

Map of part of the west coast of the Gulf of Papua, with islands, river mouths, shoals, bathymetry (water depth), notes to aid navigation. On land, notes on terrain (‘Limestone Hill’), vegetation (‘Pandanus & Nipa Palms’) and people (‘Paia Tribe’).

Map of British New Guinea


location_onPapua New Guinea, Indonesia

Map of British New Guinea, focusing on the sea (islands, shoals, reefs), coast (settlements, bays), mountains and land (‘dense forest’, ‘timbered with Eucalyptus’). Inset maps of Port Moresby, Samarai Island, and the whole island of New Guinea.

Topographische kaart der residentie Djokjakarta



The residency of Djokjakarta (Yogyakarta), southern Java, featuring crops (coffee, sugar, rice, alang-alang, tobacco, indigo plants, nipa palm, bamboo); warehouses, cemeteries, post offices; routes, administrative borders; mountains, rivers.

Topographische Kaart der residentie Pekalongan



Topographic map of the residency of Pekalongan (Central Java), divided into regencies (pink borders) and districts (yellow borders). Mountains, forests, settlements, routes, crops—alang-alang, coffee, sugar, rice—factories and warehouses are shown.

Schutzgebiet der Neu-Guinea-Kompanie


location_onIndonesia, Papua New Guinea

Very detailed six-sheet map of eastern New Guinea, with numerous inset maps of bays and islands, and other inset maps covering ethnography, explorers of the region, marine routes across the Pacific Ocean, cannibalism, missionaries activity etc.

Skeleton map of the Burma and Assam frontier



Map of Upper Burma showing the border with Assam (India) and China. The names of indigenous peoples are shown (‘Singphos’), along with the Irrawaddy River, railways and resources (‘Teak Forests’, mines (silver, copper, sulphur, rubies, coal, jade)).

British Burma, Pegu division: With additions to railways up to 1891



Topographical map of the Pegu Division of British Burma (Myanmar), spread over four sheets. In addition to mountains, forests, rivers and wetlands, rice fields, routes (road, railway, path, telegraph), villages and pagodas are marked.

Rough Sketch of 200 miles of the western portion of British New Guinea, including rivers


location_onPapua New Guinea

Map of British New Guinea with notes on the terrain (‘Low country’), vegetation (‘Mangrove, Nipa and Fan Palms’), crops (‘Small plantations Sugar cane & Taro’), coastal features (‘Coral and Sand flats) and people (‘Friendly tribe’, ‘Dariamo Tribe’).


  • Filter from 1680 to 1900

Current results range from 1680 to 1900