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Plan de la ville et forteresse de Malaca = Grondtekening van de Stad en Vesting Malakka



This mid-18th century plan of the city of Malaca (Malacca/Melaka) focuses on the military fort (‘A Famosa [The Famous]’), but also includes two churches, a mosque and a Chinese temple. Two markets are also marked, as is the entrance to the port.

Plan de la ville et forteresse de Malaca = Grondtekening van de Stad en Vesting Malakka



This mid-18th century plan of the city of Malaca (Malacca/Melaka) focuses on the military fort (‘A Famosa [The Famous]’), but also includes two churches, a mosque and a Chinese temple. Two markets are also marked, as is the entrance to the port.

Plan de la ville et forteresse de Malaca: pour servir à l'histoire generale des voyages



This mid-18th century plan of the city of Malaca (Malacca/Melaka) focuses on the military fort (‘A Famosa [The Famous]’), but also includes two churches, a mosque and a Chinese temple. Two markets are also marked, as is the entrance to the port.




Map of the rivers, roads and canals of Judia (city of Ayutthaya). The legend includes a palace, elephant enclosures, Archbishop’s church and palace. Outside are residential areas for people from Portugal, Japan, Pegu, Malaya, China and Cochinchina.




Map of the rivers, roads and canals of Judia (city of Ayutthaya). The legend includes a palace, elephant enclosures, Archbishop’s church and palace. Outside are residential areas for people from Portugal, Japan, Pegu, Malaya, China and Cochinchina.

Plan de la Ville de Siam: Capitale du Royaume de ce nom = Platte grond van Siam: Hoofd stad des Koningryks van dien' naam



Map of the Siamese city of Ayutthaya (‘Ville de Siam’), surrounded by the Menam River (Chao Phraya River). Roads and buildings are marked, including a number of royal palaces and pagodas, which are listed on the Dutch and French-language legend.

Plan de la Ville de Siam: Capitale du Royaume de ce nom = Platte grond van Siam: Hoofd stad des Koningryks van dien' naam



Map of the Siamese city of Ayutthaya (‘Ville de Siam’), surrounded by the Menam River (Chao Phraya River). Roads and buildings are marked, including a number of royal palaces and pagodas, which are listed on the Dutch and French-language legend.
