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Map of Asia: Printed for the New York Central's 'Four-Track Series'


location_onMalaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Brunei, Laos, Southeast Asia

Colonial territory is labelled and colour-coded on this map of Southeast Asia. A list on the left edge gives the colonial status, size and population of Asian countries, and ranks the main cities by population. Gold and iron mines are marked.

A language map of Further India and the Indian Archipelago


location_onSoutheast Asia, Brunei, East Timor, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia

A map of Southeast Asia coloured to indicate the five different language families spoken in the region in the late 19th century. Names of indigenous tribes/languages are marked in red text, with European colonial possessions in grey.

A language map of Further India and the Indian Archipelago


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Vietnam

A map of Southeast Asia coloured to indicate the five different language families spoken in the region in the late 19th century. Names of indigenous tribes/languages are marked in red text, with European colonial possessions in grey.

S.E. Peninsula and Malaysia


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Vietnam

The colonial possessions of Britain, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal and Denmark are shown on this mid-19th century map of Southeast Asia. There are inset maps of Penang Island and Singapore, and text describing the region’s colonial history.

The continent and islands of Asia: with all the latest discoveries


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Singapore, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Vietnam

On this map of Asia, the South China Sea is labelled ‘Malayan Sea’. Small islands, shoals and reefs are shown. A label in Cochin China (Vietnam) reads ‘mountains inhabited by the uncivilized people called Kemoys’.

The continent and islands of Asia: with all the latest discoveries


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Singapore, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Vietnam

On this map of Asia, the South China Sea is labelled ‘Malayan Sea’. Small islands, shoals and reefs are shown. A label in Cochin China (Vietnam) reads ‘mountains inhabited by the uncivilized people called Kemoys’.

Eastern islands or Malay archipelago


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Southeast Asia, Vietnam, Thailand

Brief notes printed on this 19th century map of Southeast Asia provide details about each region, including: numbers and ethnicity of the population, local or colonial rulers, crops and products, geography (corals, forests, volcanos, earthquakes).

A New general map of the East Indies, exhibiting in the Peninsula on this side of the Ganges or Hindoostan, the several partitions of the Mogul's Empire


location_onMalaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, Southeast Asia

This 19th century map highlights British colonial possessions in India (in red), and the various kingdoms of northern Southeast Asia, including the Birman Empire (Myanmar), Cochin China and Tonkin (Vietnam), Lao (Laos), Siam (Thailand), and Cambodia.

The continent and islands of Asia: with all the latest discoveries


location_onVietnam, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Malaysia, Laos, Indonesia, East Timor, Cambodia, Brunei

Southeast Asia is on the last sheet of this map of Asia. The South China Sea is labelled ‘Malayan Sea’. Small islands, shoals and reefs are shown. A label in Cochin China (Vietnam) reads ‘mountains inhabited by the uncivilized people called Kemoys’.

Asia: drawn from the latest astronomical observations


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Vietnam

This late 18th century map of Asia uses colour to differentiate various regions, with mainland Southeast Asia in blue, and maritime Southeast Asia in yellow, red, green and blue.

Asia and its islands according to d'Anville


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Vietnam

This map features labels describing local populations, including the Kemoys ('Savage People') of the mountains of Cokin China (Vietnam), the Biayos of Borneo, and the 'Wild People' of the mountains of Pegu (Myanmar). Top half of the map is missing.

Asia and its islands according to d'Anville


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Vietnam

A large and detailed late 18th century map of Asia, printed over four sheets. There are labels noting the inhabitants of some areas, such as 'BIAYOS or the inland People' in the centre of Borneo.
