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Queensland and British New Guinea


location_onIndonesia, Papua New Guinea

British New Guinea is highlighted in red on this map of New Guinea and Australia, with German and Dutch colonial areas also partially shown. There is a line marking the boundary between the British and German spheres of influence.

Queensland and British New Guinea


location_onIndonesia, Papua New Guinea

New Guinea is divided between British, German and Dutch colonial powers on this map of New Guinea and Australia. There is a line marking the boundary between the British and German spheres of influence. Bays and islands around the coast are named.

Deutsche Kolonien


location_onIndonesia, Papua New Guinea

From Joseph Kürschner’s ‘Universal-Konversations-Lexikon’, this map of German colonies includes the island of New Guinea. Divided between Dutch, British and German colonies, the German territory is Kaiser-Wilhelmsland and the Bismarck Archipelago.

Kaiser Wilhelms-Land: Das Hinterland der Astrolabe-Bucht bis zum Ramu-Fluss


location_onPapua New Guinea

Map of part of the north coast of Kaiser-Wilhelmsland (German New Guinea) spread over two sheets. It focuses on rivers, noting width, depth, temperature, currents, vegetation etc.; and on mountains, showing heights and side views (elevations).

Queensland & British New Guinea


location_onIndonesia, Papua New Guinea

The first two sheets of this eight-sheet map focus on British New Guinea, with German and Dutch colonial areas of New Guinea also shown in part. There is a line marking a proposed change in border between Dutch and British territory.

Map of British New Guinea


location_onPapua New Guinea, Indonesia

Map of British New Guinea, focusing on the sea (islands, shoals, reefs), coast (settlements, bays), mountains and land (‘dense forest’, ‘timbered with Eucalyptus’). Inset maps of Port Moresby, Samarai Island, and the whole island of New Guinea.

Schutzgebiet der Neu-Guinea-Kompanie


location_onIndonesia, Papua New Guinea

Very detailed six-sheet map of eastern New Guinea, with numerous inset maps of bays and islands, and other inset maps covering ethnography, explorers of the region, marine routes across the Pacific Ocean, cannibalism, missionaries activity etc.

W. & A.K. Johnston's sheet of maps to illustrate the Caroline islands dispute between Germany and Spain


location_onSoutheast Asia, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, East Timor

Three maps of the Caroline Islands. One shows colonised areas in Southeast Asia: Dutch East Indies; British North Borneo, British New Guinea; German New Guinea; Philippines (Spain); Portuguese Timor. The route of the Challenger expedition is marked.

Map of South-Eastern Asia and Northern Australia: showing the districts in Annam and Tonquin which France proposes to annex and to place under a Protectorate, the portion of New Guinea proposed to be acquired by Queensland, and the districts affected by the volcanic eruptions in Java


location_onSoutheast Asia, Singapore, Thailand, East Timor, Vietnam, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines

This 1883 map shows European colonial territories in Southeast Asia. An inset map details the proposed French annexation of Tonquin, Annam and Cochin China (modern Vietnam). International telegraph lines are also marked.

Algemeene kaart van Nederlandsch Indië


location_onCambodia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, East Timor, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Laos, Vietnam, Singapore, Brunei, Myanmar

A late 19th century map of the Dutch East Indies on four sheets, detailing maritime routes around the region. There are also inset maps showing railways, rivers, roads, and telegraph systems, as well as individual islands and cities.

Asiatic archipelago


location_onVietnam, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Malaysia, Laos, Indonesia, East Timor, Cambodia, Brunei

This late 19th century map of Southeast Asia shows the best maritime routes around the region, according to the time of year. There are also inset maps highlighting the rivers and southern islands of Singapore, and the sea depth around Labuan Island.

Neu-Guinea und benachbarte Inseln


location_onPapua New Guinea, Indonesia

From August Petermann's ‘Geographische Mittheilungen’, this map of New Guinea and neighbouring islands is marked with a maritime route from the western tip of New Guinea that is labelled ‘from Batavia to Hong Kong in 35 days’ and dated 1846.
