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Eight sheets from a large-scale detailed topographic map of Sumatra (many other sheets are missing). Includes crops (rice, coconut, coffee, banana, sugar, gambier, cinnamon, bamboo, alang-alang, arenga palm), routes (railways, roads), settlements.

Kaart van het gebied bezet in Groot-Atjèh



A six-sheet map of Groot-Atjèh (Aceh, northern Sumatra) focusing on areas occupied during the Aceh War (1873–1904) between the Sultanate of Aceh and Dutch colonists. It shows military positions and fortifications, buildings, routes and crops.

Overzichtskaart van Groot-Atjeh en aangrenzende kuststaten



Map of Groot-Atjeh (Aceh, Sumatra), focusing on the area around the capital Kota Radja (Banda Aceh) and along the coasts. There is a list of telephone connections in the area, and an inset map of the region divided into administrative districts.

Figuratieve schetskaart van de Pedirstreek



Map of Pedirstreek (Pidie Regency) on the east coast of Aceh, Sumatra, spread over two sheets. It is divided into administrative areas, and features rice paddies, villages, mosques, roads and local fortifications.

Kaart van het gebied bezet in Groot-Atjeh, met de nederzettingen Lepoeng en Lehoeng



A map of Groot-Atjeh, Lepoeng and Lehoeng, at the northern tip of Sumatra, detailing routes (rivers, roads, railways), crops (rice, banana, sugarcane, betel, pepper, alang-alang, bamboo) and land features (forests, mountains, wetlands).

Atlas van Nederlandsch Oost-Indië



Very detailed atlas of the entire Dutch East Indies, over 16 map sheets, with a cover and overview map. Includes topographic maps, inset maps of cities and islands, and maps featuring land and sea routes, languages, geology, colonial territory etc.

A Map of the Malay Peninsula


location_onIndonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand

On this late 19th century map of the Malay Peninsula, the British colonial territories—the Straits Settlements of Singapore, Malacca, Dinding and Penang—are in red, demarcating them from the British protectorate states of the rest of the peninsula.

Kaart van het gebied bezet in Groot-Atjeh, met de nederzettingen Lepoeng en Lehoeng



A map of Groot-Atjeh, Lepoeng and Lehoeng, at the northern tip of Sumatra, detailing routes (rivers, roads, railways), crops (rice, banana, sugarcane, betel, pepper, alang-alang, bamboo) and land features (forests, mountains, wetlands).

Kaart van de residentie Oostkust van Sumatra



Detailed topographical map of the east coast of Sumatra, spread over 36 sheets. The area’s farms are listed and shown on the map within yellow borders, with types of crop grown. There is a detailed plan of Medan, and five inset maps of other towns.

Sumatra: Residentie Benkoelen (Bengkoelen)



Map of the residency of Benkoelen (Bengkulu, southwest coast of Sumatra), over 10 sheets, with an inset map of the city of Bengkoelen (Bengkulu). Types of crops—coconut, rice, alang-alang, nipah palm, coffee—are marked. Sheet number 8 is missing.

[Pad van Tangsé naar Kroeng Sabé]



Map of a path from Tangsé (Tangse) at the top right, southwest to Kroeng Sabi (Krueng Sabee) on the west coast of Aceh, Sumatra. The route crosses mountains and then follows a river to the coast.

Kaart van de Karo landen (Oost Sumatra)



A map recording five Dutch expeditions through the Karo Lands of northern Sumatra. The mountainous terrain is represented by contour lines, with peaks’ heights marked. The names of groups of the indigenous Karo people are shown in large letters.
