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Physical chart of the Pacific Ocean or Great Sea (Mare Pacifico): Showing the currents & temperature of the ocean, the trade routes &c.
Johnston, Keith (A.K.); Berghaus, Heinrich Karl Wilhelm; Johnston, William; 1849
About This Map
Chart of the Pacific Ocean, showing climate and weather-related data, including around the seas and straits of eastern Southeast Asia where maritime trade routes are marked, along with monsoon regions, ocean temperatures and currents.
Longitude and Latitude
Written Note/Details
Current Data
Maritime Route
Temperature Data
Rainfall Data
Wind Data
Library Catalogue
General Note: "Engraved by W. & A.K. Johnston".
General Note: "Physical Atlas" ; "Hydrology No.3".
General Note: Shows current and wind directions and velocity, routes of exploratary expeditions.
General Note: Greenwich meridian.
Geographic Coverage Note: Pacific Ocean.
Open note in new window Notes for Bodleian Library: Allen LRO 393 Folded sheets: folded once. - Hand coloured ill.: Hand coloured: expedition routes, ice limits; sea shaded.
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