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Geographical distribution of the currents of air
Johnston, Keith (A.K.); Berghaus, Heinrich Karl Wilhelm; Johnston, William; Redfield; Reid, Lieutenant Colonel W.; 1849
About This Map
A world map showing winds, hurricanes and typhoons, including trade winds, calms, typhoon, monsoon and hurricane regions in Southeast Asia. An inset map shows the approach of the Rodriguez Hurricane towards Java in 1843.
Longitude and Latitude
Written Note/Details
Inset Map
Wind Data
Rainfall Data
Library Catalogue
General Note: "Engraved by W. & A.K. Johnston.".
General Note: "Physical atlas" ; "Meteorology No.2".
General Note: Inset maps: "Chart of the Rodriguez Hurricane in April 1843 ..." ; "Map of the regions of the West Indian Hurricanes by Mr Redfield ..." ; "Chart of the Culloden's hurricane in March 1809 and the Boyne's Gale in 1835, by Lt. Col. Reid ...".
General Note: Inset diagrams: "Hurricanes" ; "Limits of the trade winds in the seasons, in the Atlantic Ocean ..." ; "Barometrical compass showing the effect of the turning of wind upon the barometer" ; "Thermometrical compass showing the effect of turning wind upon the thermometer".
General Note: Shows prevailing wind directions, regions of monsoons and paths of hurricanes.
General Note: Greenwich meridian.
Geographic Coverage Note: World.
Open note in new window Notes for Bodleian Library: Allen LRO 393 Folded sheets: folded once. - Hand coloured ill.: Hand coloured: huricane paths, trade wind and monsoon regions.
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Overlay View
View this historical map as an overlay on a contemporary map. Adjust your view using the georeference tool.