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Zoological Geography: Sheet No. 2: Geographical division & distribution of Carnivora (carnivorous animals)
Johnston, Keith (A.K.); Johnston, William; 1849
About This Map
A world map showing distribution of carnivorous animals, including in Southeast Asia. Tables list names of species found in each region; their geographical ranges are marked on the map. There is a drawing of 17 carnivore species of the ‘Old World’.
Longitude and Latitude
Inset Map
Wild Animals
Library Catalogue
General Note: "Engraved by W. & A.K. Johnston.".
General Note: "Physical atlas" ; "Phytology & Zoology Map No.4".
General Note: Inset map: "District inhabited by the fur-bearing animals and theatre of the whale and seal fishery in the northern hemisphere."
General Note: Inset diagrams: "Perpendicular distribution of the Carnivora" ; "Tabular view of the percentage of families of the land carnivora in the zoological provinces".
General Note: Engraved pictures of groups of animals correspond with the distributions shown in the maps.
General Note: Shows limits of distribution and density by shading.
General Note: Greenwich meridian.
Geographic Coverage Note: The world.
Open note in new window Notes for Bodleian Library: Allen LRO 393 Folded sheets: folded once. - Hand coloured ill.: Hand coloured: limits and regions shaded.
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